Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday 9th November 2011

So. My dreams of good blood sugars on Tuesday morning were rudely interrupted by a hypo at 3 am. My own fault: I had dinner and injected the normal amount of insulin, forgetting to adjust it to accommodate for the effects of the gym earlier in the evening. I made the same mistake at breakfast on Tuesday morning and ended up hypoing again at school later in the day. As I said yesterday, I prefer hypoing to being high (although I would get hung, drawn and quartered if my doctor at home heard me say that...) so, to be honest, I got through the day feeling pretty apathetic towards it all.

And then... Today I had a minor breakthrough! The other day I decided to put my night time basal dose up by one unit, from 19 to 20. So far I've not noticed any difference but I woke up this morning with a blood sugar of 68. Now, officially, a hypo begins at 72, so anything lower than that is technically a hypo, but I was just so relieved not to be in the 300's that I really didn't care that I had to have a carton of orange juice with my breakfast, in fact, I quite enjoyed it! And the rest of the day has been good too. My body seems to understand what's expected of it for once!While I hypoed once more (4 hypoes in 2 days is NOT good really...) my blood sugars have not gone out of range the other way all day.

I even went to the gym this evening and, for once, the exercise made my blood sugars do what they should do: fall. Before I went I was 124 (perfect for exercise, although I've only recently realised this, before I would always have eaten something sugary to stave off a hypo; I've discovered I don't need to do this) and now, post-exercise, I am 98, a perfect pre-dinner level. Wow. So tonight I'm going to bask in the glory of a whole day of in-range blood glucose levels and I'm also going to congratulate myself for making myself actually do some exercise over the last few weeks. Maybe that extra nighttime unit coupled with a bit of almost-regular exercise really is the magic formula? For now it is anyway, and I'm going to enjoy it while I can!

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